Polyversity International is supporting the professionals and youth in their intellectual growth and competencies development
In this intricate era, every day brings unanticipated and farfetched contests and challenges. Particularly, with the advent of the 21st century, the globalization and the open market economy have stemmed multidimensional impacts and anomalies influencing every walk of human life. The resultant socio-economic transitions coupled with pioneering technological advancements have exceptionally transformed the world into an interactive global settlement, functioning in a highly complex environment. In this milieu, the new generation has to live, work and survive in distinctly competing and challenging situations and settings. These conditions are commonly featured with constructive as well as destructive driving forces, which interplay in all directions and dimensions. To a positive side, presence of countless opportunities and potentials complement the human abilities and actions in dealing with the lifetime contests.
With this backdrop, the significant social groups such as the functioning professionals and the aspiring youngsters particularly require patronage in enriching and galvanizing their competencies and developing ingenious solutions in order to accomplish success in life and career, while coping with the challenges and conditions of the 21st century.
After a rich career in UN/World Health Organization at global levels, I opted to return to my motherland with the vision to serve the humanity and ‘Pay Back to Pakistan’ by using the knowledge, skills and competencies achieved during international service. With that intention and dream, Polyversity International has been established as a global institute focusing on the human capital development. It will duly contribute in sustainable national and global development.
Polyversity International affectionately welcome your suggestions, technical contributions and collaborations in supporting comprehensive development of new generation and the civil society groups in general.
These programs are expected to nourish the target audience through expanding their knowledge, skills and competencies. These endeavors will be further complemented with sustained knowledge promotion mechanisms and innovative development initiatives. Since the prime intent is national and global development; the cost of the home study programs is kept nominal to ensure access by everyone.
Polyversity International is particularly devoted to supporting the professionals and youth in their intellectual growth, competencies development and social grooming that may take them to their preferred goals and success. For that, several top-notch and vital study programs have been conceived, which are based upon the gaps and needs of diverse priority groups. Few programs are being launched at inauguration, while many are in pipeline.
Dr Muhammad Mahmood Afzal
Chairman: Polyversity International
Welcome to Polyversity International Home Study Programs