Polyversity International Invites blogs on priority social issues and advantageous subject areas
- The blogs may be in areas such as common life matters, socio-economic and development issues, educational topics or technical evidence.
- Blogs can be in English or Urdu.
- There is no limit of blogs; however, they should be concise, professionally written, well-narrated theme, and presenting a useful information for the audience.
- The blog writer will submit a declaration that there is no conflict of interest, materials are not reproduction or counterfeit, and the references are duly verified and quoted
- . The controversial topics such as politics, region, racial issues, extremism etc. should be avoided.
- The blogs will be posted on the website of Polyversity International without any charges. Identically, the blogger will submit blogs voluntarily, without any expectation of monetary rewards.
- Polyversity International have all the rights to accept or reject, review, edit, or use the contents for knowledge promotion.
- The blogger will be responsible for any dispute on the blog content

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